magills rules

Magill's 100 Rules

In 1883, the College's second president Edward Magill issued a strict code of conduct to govern students, known as the "100 rules." They stand in stark contrast to the Swarthmore Bucket List of 150 things that resonate with current and past students to do before graduation. The Rules reflect the founders' interest in providing discipline and a guarded education to Swarthmore students, although they were liberalized to attract more students near the end of Magill's tenure as president in 1889.


  1. The general bounds are the limits of the College property.

  2. Young men over 21 years of age, who wish to leave the premises, must leave their cards with the President. Young women of the Senior and Junior Classes, and others over 21 years of age, may receive permission from the Matron1 to walk off the premises; and, with the Matron's approval, may be accompanied by younger girls under their care. Such groups are not to consist of less than four nor more than six, and three of these must be Seniors or Juniors, or over 21. Other students who are satisfactory in conduct and lessons may receive permission to leave the premises; but girls, except in the cases above specified, must always be accompanied by a teacher.

  3. No students are permitted to walk off the grounds on First day2 mornings, and only the boys on First day afternoons.

  4. The grounds east of the College, including between the walk leading to the Meeting House, the east walls of the building, and the walk leading to the West house, are for the exclusive use of the girls, and no permission can be given for boys to go there. The mixed games occasionally permitted by the Faculty shall be played on the level space in front of the College. It is not intended to forbid boys passing across the girls' grounds to the road; but, in so doing, they must confine themselves to the carriage drives.

  5. The ball ground, the woods, and the grounds west of the College, as far as the walk leading to the President's house, are for the exclusive use of the boys, and the girls are not permitted to go there unaccompanied by a teacher.

  6. Both sexes may walk upon the front lawn; but boys must not occupy any of the seats located east of the central asphaltum walk, nor girls any of those located west of it.

  7. All classrooms, the scientific building, and museum are out of bounds for all students, except for work and recitation. The drawing room is open at all times during the day for girls who take painting lessons. The freight house, the railroad station and its platforms, and the post office are out of bounds.

  8. The parlor, front hall, and door are open from supper until evening collection for all students, but closed at other times.

  9. Students are not permitted to leave the College building after dark.

  10. Students who leave the College premises during the night without permission are suspended 30 days for the first offence, and for the second offence are dismissed, unless the penalty be changed by unanimous vote of the Faculty.

  11. The use of intoxicating liquors, tobacco in any form, or card playing is prohibited, and students in any class who are known to have violated this rule while off the premises, or to have entered any billiard saloon, or any gaming or drinking place, will forfeit the privilege of leaving the premises for such period as the Faculty may decide.

  12. Students are not allowed to use the railroad trains except by special permission, and to obtain permission to go home or to Philadelphia must have written requests from parents or guardians. Girls and young women must not return to the College after dark.

  13. Boys and young men, when allowed to go off the premises, cannot visit any of the neighboring towns or cities, except Media, without special permission.

  14. Girls must obtain permission to leave the premises of the Matron; boys of the Preparatory School, of Professor Paulin3.